Welcome to Sharla Yang Consulting

I am an independent consultant specialized in preparing Air Quality Impact Assessment (AIA) applications and Dust Control Plan Applications for compliance with the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) Rule 9510 Indirect Source Review and Regulation VIII for construction projects.

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About Me

Hello, I'm Sharla Yang, a former Air Quality Specialist with over 10 years of experience with the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. I spent the first two years in the Finance and Emission Reduction Incentive Program before settling in the Indirect Source Review (ISR) program for the last eight years.

During my eight years in the ISR program, I've processed over hundreds of AIA applications, assisted many applicants with understanding and complying with the ISR rule, and guided many applicants through the AIA application process. I am very knowlegable in the mitigations that are available under the ISR rule and can help you maximize getting the most emission reductions from these mitigations. In addition, I know how to accurately model the project emissions which typically results in lower emissions and lower offsite fees. Navigating through ISR rule and process can be challenging and overwhelming, but that is where I come in and will work on your behalf to prepare and submit your AIA application to the SJVAPCD.

Construction projects are also subject to SJVAPCD's Regulation VIII and may require an approved Dust Control Plan prepared by a certified individual prior to commencing construction activities. I've completed SJVAPCD's Regulation VIII Training Course and I am certified to assist you with preparing a Dust Control Plan.

Please feel free to check out my services listed below and contact me if you have any questions or need any assistance.

My Services

Rule 9510 Indirect Source Review Compliance

AIA Application

Preparing AIA application and include a fee deferral schedule, if applicable.

Incorporating Mitigations

Determining applicable mitigations and preparing documentation to support mitigations to maximize emission reductions and reduce offsite fees. Assisting with clean fleet reporting requirements.

Emissions Modeling

Preparing preliminary emissions estimates and offsite fee estimates using SJVAPCD approved models and methodologies.

Working with SJVAPCD

Working on your behalf directly with SJVAPCD to ensure AIA application is processed in a timely manner.

Regulation VIII Compliance - Dust Control Plan

Dust Control Plan Application

Preparing Dust Control Plan application.

Working with SJVAPCD

Working on your behalf directly with SJVAPCD to ensure Dust Control Plan application is processed in a timely manner.

Contact Me

Please feel free to contact me for questions or assistance.

I can also reach out to you if you provide your contact information below